Alison Melillo is a LA/NY based Production Designer working across Film and Advertising.

A versatile designer, with experience spanning a range of period and genres, she is constantly exploring the spatial relationship between narratives and imagery.

Prior to Production Design, she worked in many different art department positions which allows her to draw from diverse crew experiences to enhance production design proficiency. 

Alison loves textures, details, creating new worlds and telling stories through her work. When she is not working she can be found climbing rocks, digging for vintage treasures, or listening to her extensive record collection.

Representation — IATSE 829


Services Offered:

  • Production Design

  • Art Direction

  • 3D Rendering

  • Project Management

  • Brand Guideline Research

  • Mood Board & Feel Curation

  • Preliminary Bid & Budget Management

(401) 954-1489


Adobe Suite CC (Photoshop, Illustrator, Indesign), SketchUp Pro, SketchUp Layout, Unreal Engine, Rhino, AutoCAD, Procreate, Microsoft Office, & Google Drive.


Collaboration; Communication; Time Management; Problem-solving; Organized; Empathy; Positive Attitude; Creative; Self-Starter; On Site Experience for both small & large productions.